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- Monday, November 24th, 2025 | FINAL PICKUP
The Naperville Township crew begins vacuuming fallen leaves mid-October. Generally, we do a curb pass to keep sewers clean from the early-falling ash leaves, and will pick up any raked piles at that time. We then make one pass through each subdivision every subsequent week until the majority of leaves are off the trees.
Prior to the last pickup, signs are posted indicating the Monday date of the last week we will pick up your leaves. Rake leaves to the curb before that date. We will make only one pass during that week. The Township is aware that not all trees have droped their leaves by this time. Our intent is to remove the majority of leaves from each township area. Since the same trucks and manpower are required for snow and ice control the leaf program must be shut down to allow for time to prep the equipment.
Residents are to rake leaves as close to the curb as possible, spreading them along the curb line. Our machine reaches only so far behind the curb. If you notice after our first weekly pass a line of raked leaves were not picked up, they were not close enough to the curb. We also ask you to not pile leaves around or near any permanent parkway structures such as mailboxes, sign posts, trees or fire hydrants. The machine does not work well around these objects.
Do not bag the leaves.
The collected leaves are eventually spread into neighboring farm fields, then tilled into the soil.